Saturday, January 26, 2013

Installing VirtualBox on Ubuntu Server LTS

I decided to install VirtualBox on Ubuntu server so I can use it later with Cuckoo Sandbox for malware analysis.

The steps followed for this installation are:
  • Download and installation of Ubuntu Server LTS (current version 12.04.1)
  • VirtualBox and dependencies installation (current stable version 4.1.12)
  • Phpvirtualbox installation for headless servers (version 4.1-11)
  • VirtualBox extension pack installation for VRDP support
  • Starting VirtualBox and connecting to Phpvirtualbox web user interface

1.- Download and installation of Ubuntu Server LTS

I decided to use Ubuntu Server LTS as it is stable and does not require the installation of a Desktop environment, which I won't use for my purposes. The server used has a 64 bits CPU, 12GB RAM, and 514GB of hard disk space, what is more than enough to run several virtual machines in parallel.

A fresh Ubuntu Server image can be downloaded from:

Then you can choose to run the ISO from a USB stick or CD-ROM drive. My recommendation is to install only the base system, so we keep the server clean from packages that we won't use. The only extra package I installed was the SSH server so I can access it remotely.

Once finished the installation processes lets also upgrade the Debian packages to the latest version by
running these commands:
 $ apt-get update  
 $ apt-get dist-upgrade  
As well I setup the hostname and network settings at /etc/hostname and /etc/network/interfaces.

2.- VirtualBox and dependencies installation

Installing Virtualbox with apt-get:
 $ apt-get install virtualbox  
Checking installed packages:
 $ dpkg -l | grep -i virtualbox  
 ii virtualbox             4.1.12-dfsg-2ubuntu0.2    x86 virtualization solution - base binaries  
 ii virtualbox-dkms          4.1.12-dfsg-2ubuntu0.2    x86 virtualization solution - kernel module sources for dkms  
 ii virtualbox-qt           4.1.12-dfsg-2ubuntu0.2    x86 virtualization solution - Qt based user interface  

3.- Installing Phpvirtualbox

First we need to install apache2 and php:
 $ apt-get install apache2  
 $ apt-get install php5  
Then we can install Phpvirtualbox, setting the permissions of the directory to your own username (mine is santiago):
 $ cd /var/www/  
 $ wget  
 $ unzip  
 $ chown -R santiago:santiago /var/www/phpvirtualbox/  
 $ cp /var/www/phpvirtualbox/config.php-example /var/www/phpvirtualbox/config.php  
Then edit /var/www/phpvirtualbox/config.php and set the username and password for the system user that runs VirtualBox:
 var $username = 'santiago';  
 var $password = 'yourpassword';  

4.- VirtualBox extension pack installation for VRDP support

Installing the extension pack will allow us to control the virtual machines desktop remotely.
 vboxmanage extpack install Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-4.1.12.vbox-extpack  

5.- Starting VirtualBox and connecting to Phpvirtualbox user interface

The following command is used to start VirtualBox web services
 $ vboxwebsrv -b  
Then we can connect to the user interface from our browser at http://yourserverip/phpvirtualbox
user: admin
password: admin

We should be know able to use our fresh installation of VirtualBox.



  1. I have a problem with the '"Extension Pack": if I check the installation of it from terminal shell it's ok, but it doesn't exist from web browser (File -> Preferences).
    When I start a virtual machine with support USB 2.0 (EHCI), crashes. If I turn off this option, there are no problems!
    Why is this happening? Is normal? Can I add this control of the Extension Pack from web browser?

  2. I have a problem with the '"Extension Pack": if I check the installation of it from terminal shell it's ok, but it doesn't exist from web browser (File -> Preferences).
    When I start a virtual machine with support USB 2.0 (EHCI), crashes. If I turn off this option, there are no problems!
    Why is this happening? Is normal? Can I add this control of the Extension Pack from web browser?

  3. Great tutorial! If you want some video tutorials on how to install VirtualBox (on Linux Mint/Ubuntu Desktop) you can checkout this blog pages:

  4. If you want some video tutorials on how to install VirtualBox (on Linux Mint/Ubuntu Desktop) you can checkout this blog pages:

  5. Thanks Admin Amazing Post Keep UpDate.Thank You.

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